Visual MODFLOW Flex | The Conceptual Modeling Approach
Uploaded on Oct 20, 2011
The conceptual modeling approach offers many benefits to the groundwater modeler over traditional modeling techniques. The main benefits of conceptual model development include:
* Better understanding of the groundwater flow system prior to transforming the conceptual model to a numerical model
* Defining a model using GIS objects is much faster than the traditional cell-based approach
* If the numerical model is modified, the model inputs can be easily regenerated from the conceptual objects
* From the same conceptual model, you can generate multiple numerical models, of different grid types or modeling scenarios.
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About Visual MODFLOW Flex:
Visual MODFLOW Flex a new powerful hydegeologic modeling platform that provides integrated conceptual and numerical modeling all in a single, easy-to-use software package.
Developed by Schlumberger Water Services.
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